ORCID is a reputable and trusted persistent digital identifier provider for authors. It enables authors to highlight and provide greater credibility to their work. 

Linking of ORCID account with ESRF-RJUMS has benefits such as:

  1. Enables authors to display their publications on their ORCID dashboard.
  2. Authenticated (verified) ORCID iDs appear next to author names in their respective publication.
  3. In the case of multiple authors, all verified authors get an ORCID badge next to their names in the article.
  4. A persistent URI of the article(s), even in the case of technical malfunctions, or data loss. 

We that this integration will be beneficial for all our authors to certify their efforts, and for our readers to access quality and authentic scientific literature. 

We extend our gratitude to all Authors, Reviewers, Editors and Journal Managers for their relentless efforts in maintaining the highest standards of publishing. 

We further thank all our Readers for their continued support and appreciation.

-Editorial Board, ESRF-RJUMS

Instructions on How to link your ORCID account.

For more information on ORCID, visit the FAQ here.


Please Note: Changes will be reflected in all future issues. Unfortunately, technical limitations prevent us from assigning ORCID badges to the previous two issues.